Baseball Ireland AGM Announcement

Baseball Ireland will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Thursday, January 14th, 2021 at 7:00 PM.
The meeting will be held via a Zoom call given current restrictions on public gatherings.
An agenda will follow but the following positions on the National Executive are up for election. These positions are for a 1 year term.
• Adult League Co-ordinator
• Youth League Co-ordinator
• Public Relations Officer
• Fields Officer
Interested parties require a nominator and a person to second the motion. The nomination must be submitted to Jason Wiebe, Secretary, Baseball Ireland by midnight, January 7th, 2021. Email nominations to
Any party interested in making a proposal or motion at the meeting should also submit these to Jason Wiebe by midnight, January 7th, 2021
Zoom link will be shared with Baseball Ireland members closer to the date.
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